Veranderingen op de arbeidsmarkt uitgelicht

Changes in the labor market

posted in: News | 13

Changes are taking place in the labour market. The shortage on the labour market has risen so high that in the second quarter of 2022 there was a shortage of personnel in all professional groups. This is evident from Spanningsindicator van UWV. In addition to the shortages in the labour market, there is another shift going on and this relates to employment contracts.

What did it look like before?

From 1950 to the late 70s

  • The company was your career and the company took care of your development
  • Growth was based on patience and working years
  • You worked there all your professional life and retired at the age of 65.


  • The employee came more in control of his own career
  • To grow, you switched to other employers
  • Not too much because ‘job hopping’ was seen as unreliable

Early 90s

  • In the early 90s, the career was mainly determined by experience
  • Skills were digitized

Late 90s

  • First online job boards
  • From then on you could always apply

From 2010

  • Professionals wanted to make a positive contribution to the organization and society
  • Finding your own ‘big goal’
  • Long-term employment relationships became less and less common

Career of today and the future

  • What can you do, know and do you do?
  • Skills determine the career
  • Both for the professional and for the organization

It is expected that the changes will only accelerate due to technological and social developments.

For example, Generation Z wants more time for themselves, learn more about this in this blog

Professionals want to contribute more and more to the ‘purpose’ and ask to gain more control over the direction and strategy of the organization. Don’t be surprised by these changes.

Involve employees in the organization. As a result, they are more involved, loyal and productive so that the unwanted departure of the right talent is prevented. This guarantees the continuity of the organization and allows the organization to adapt to future changes with confidence.

You will also see more and more new features appear, read about this in this blog

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