Why setting goals?

Setting goals helps you manage your time and energy effectively. By clearly defining your goals, you can focus on what’s really important.

This means you’ll waste less time on unimportant tasks and more time on activities that will bring you closer to your goals.

How do you do that in CareerTracker?

You enter a title, describe what your goal is and when you have achieved it. Ready!


Determine actions to achieve your goal

You enter a title, describe what you are going to do, when you have achieved the goal and what result you are going to achieve. Ready!


Goal Setting with OKR

At CareerTracker, we embrace the power of Objectives and Key Results (OKR) as a framework for setting and achieving goals.

The OKR methodology goes beyond just completing tasks.

It aligns individual and organizational efforts and fosters a culture of improvement and innovation.

In this blog, you’ll get helpful tips on how to implement OKRs.
